miercuri, 9 octombrie 2013


Seriously,i can't say many interesting things happened today.....except having good grades)) and cute moments with my friends,and being asked by crush-san(really,i have to stop calling him that) to go home with them,and accepting,and having a fun time,and he,the guy who never was enough of a gentleman to carry a girl's bag,just casually took it from my hands an carried it))) That was fun,hearing him complain about how heavy it was...i can't blame him,i had 3 REAAAAALLYYYY big books there (ca niste dictionare) and 7 different books and 11 copy-books and some things i just bring along(don't need them though)... i'm thankful he was kind enough to carry them xD....lol))
It was fun on  hte way back home,thank God i moved schools (:

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