miercuri, 2 august 2017

Home Sweet Home

   Finally I'm back from Bulgaria.
The view is beautiful and the sea is refreshing (especially after 10 years of being stuck in this godforsaken country). However, 7 days of  sharing a room with my sis,the lack of spare money and internet and the loud noise all night long have taken their toll on me,making me bored out of my mind and tired af. At least i had books. And food. They helped me survive.
So I'm glad to be back in my little cave of wi-fi.
Beautiful,beautiful home. How glad i am to be back in my isolation,undisturbed and content in my zone of comfort.
      Aaaaaaaaaaaand now it's ranting time.
First things first,My birthday is in 5 days. I'll be 18,isn't that wonderful? 
I've got no clue what to do and how to make it entertaining.
Maybe i should just go there and drink? Maybe meet my friends? Or rather,should i spend a day in isolation?  

help me

Also,I got accepted into Uni which is cool but how to survive there?
I don't know the first thing about socialization. I just....DERP.

As a third,I need to lose weight,but for some reason i just can't get to it.
I realise that it's something i want and should do,but i keep finding excuses and never actually do what needs to be done.
How do i start??

Well,that's about it,see you guys next time ))
Talking to nonexitent internet listeners feels as good without the motivation and self-esteem damage so i'm gonna do just that. Thanks for being here in my delusions.

Love ya

joi, 20 iulie 2017

How ironic

I have met him again today and color me confused because i don't get him at all.
Mi-a scris. Inteleg ca doar din plictiseala,but still.
Statea afara cu colega de lucru. Vorbeau. Let's call her Kuma.
She's obviously in love with him. What a blind and clueless man.
A handshake later i was trying my best not to smile when i looked at him. Never thought faking a smile is easier than trying to suppress it..
He was just bored,that is all. There is no special meaning behind it. He sees me as an entertaining creature,a pet who's fun to watch.
And it would have been fine. Honestly.
He was installing a standing pole and it hit the ceiling,dislocating a tile, and he struggled to put it back. Me and Kuma were watching and i started smiling really big/borderline laughing. When i looked at him,he was also smiling wide and looking straight at me. It was his usual,sweet smile. The smile i fell for. Why look at me, though? She was there too.
Maybe i'm jut overthinking. There is no meaning behind it,probably.
He's just unaware of the effects he has on me.
Get closer to me or avoid me like the plague. Fill your mind with thoughts of me or exile me from your life. Give me all your attention or deprive me of any. Just please...don't treat me like another friend,with half-assed interest.
I can't take being your friend. I'd much rather be no one than someone of little importance.

But truly,i wish I were the one haunting his dreams. I wish he would lose sleep thinking how to catch me. I wish he would crave my touch and melt at the sound of my voice.
I wish I were the one he wants. I wish he would be my first.
I wish it were mutual.

miercuri, 19 iulie 2017


Turns out the guy i like is single,funny,smart and....not interested in me.
Sucks to be me,i guess.
I have no idea how to get over him. Maybe mindria e de vina. Maybe faptul ca in sfirsit fac ceva progres si dupa un an trebuie sa las totul. Nu asta conteaza.
Conteaza ceea ca e ah-door-able af <3
Beautiful asshole. Dupa atitea momente mimimi trebuie sa las totul cind abia incepe.
Nu am idee cum sa las. Nu am idee cum sa uit.
Dupa atitea incercari esuate nu stiu daca merita sa mai depun efort in a-l sterge din memorie.
Worse yet,i have to face  the man who's his spitting image daily. Ochii,zimbetul,miinile,vorbele,totul mi-a readus in memorie clipele petrecute linga el si inainte sa realizez imi puteati cinta smela "Nu plinge,Ana".
Я лох.
What now?
Nu am idee.
Nu pot sa las totul balta dupa cit am investit,dar nici sa continui nu prea are sens.
Pur si simplu nu am timp sa mai astept pina i se scoala ca vrea totusi sa fie cu mine. I'm going to Uni in a month, for fuck's sake! Dar sa anulez toata ideea dupa tot chinul...acum,cind a inceput a arata rezultate? Acum cind suntem mai apropiati? Cind se lupta pentru atentie si devine posesiv? Cind ma atinge si imi pronunta numele constant? Cind actually purtam discutii?
What should i scooby-dooby-doooooo?

miercuri, 5 aprilie 2017


As you might know, in a weird turn of events, the person i like turns out to be a man.
Da,da,foarte straniu pentru o fata heterosexuala sa fie interesata de un barbat...
Except he's 30. And I'm 17(almost 18).
Daca asta inca nu e destul de stupid...eu sunt foarte bravo si ma impiedic pe loc drept de propriile sentimente.

                                             YAY ME :|

Serios vorbind,realizez ca nu e persoana potrivita..
Dar inca mai serios vorbind - cind m-a oprit asta pe mine? ))
Soooo ce anume ma atrage? Hmmm...greu de spus :

  • gusturi nice in muzica probabil
  • nu nu,vocea placuta cu siguranta
  • apparently strong hands mai degraba
  • hateaaaa....as spune ca zimbetul extrem de adorabil <3
  • nah..atitudinea fata de sine insusi si lucru
  • ori stilul nice
  • faptul ca e foooaaaarte sociabil
  • a really nice butt
  • yes,it's the fault of the butt for sure

It' round and pretty like a peach and I'm totally sounding like a pervert in here hehehe.
This amazing human works at a cafe i really love*(not because of him being there)**(or maybe because of him being there)***(you'll never know for sure :P)
And I'm trying my hardest not to go there.
Geee...i really hope this feeling lasts 'cause I' tired of not feeling anything.

duminică, 26 martie 2017


Hello fellow humans.
Sunt tot eu,Anna,doar cu vreo 3 ani mai mare dar nu face mare diferenta, eh?
In anii astia s-au intimplat destule interesante care pot fi rezumate la :

  1.  Hello London,bye Moldova ( setembrie 2014)
  2. Hello Moldova,bye London ( februarie 2015)
  3. Crush-san confesses his undying love for me (martie 2015)
  4. and gets rejected
  5. A classmate also confesses his love and that's how i bury another friendship(master-klass de la Anna)         
  6. Met my first love and got over him         
  7. No-significant-romance-2016
  8.  2017, why do I like a dude who's way too old for me?
Cam asta e. Suferinta, rock si mincare. Anii mei de fangirling inca continua desi ''the otaku me'' s-a ascuns si doarme undeva in adincurile sufletului meu negru.
AAAAH btw,anul asta examene din nou...geeeeez
I'll try to keep you updated until I'm at least 18 :D